Google Map發佈5.0了(新增5.1)
Google map 5.0 可說是大改版,原本是點陣圖顯示方式,現在換成了向量圖顯示方式,因圖資改成3D向量,不僅可節省頻寬與加快顯示速度外,離線地圖的日子也不遠了,其特色如下:
- 圖資換成了3D向量方式,兩指一滑即可變成3D。
- 2.0 以上才有離線存取的功能。
- 和手機的羅盤結合,不用手動操作3D地圖,對著建築物的形狀走就可以了。
- 兩指可旋轉地圖,一指固定,另一指滑動即可轉動方向。
讓我們來看看 Google 的影片吧!
Google 又推出了 Google Maps for Android 5.1 版本,這次更新主要加入 「Check-In」 功能,就讓我燜來看影片吧!
總覽: Touchscreen Gestures Supported Devices
The following devices support touchscreen gestures in Google Maps for Android version 5.0. Due to hardware limitations, certain Android devices may not fully support every gesture available.
Fully-supported devices:
The following devices support panning, zooming, tilting, and rotating gestures.
- Samsung Nexus S
- Samsung Galaxy S
- Motorola Droid
- Motorola Droid 2
- Motorola Droid X
- HTC Incredible
- HTC G2
Partially-supported devices:
The following devices support panning, zooming, and tilting gestures only.
- HTC Desire
- Sony Ericsson X10
- LG Ally
- HTC Nexus One
- Rotating gestures require Android OS 2.2 or later.
- This list of devices may be incomplete and may change in the future as new Android phones are available for purchase.